samedi 17 août 2024

Stanley Clarke - The Clarke_Duke Project Vol. 3 / 1990

 The third Stanley Clarke/George Duke project actually has somewhat more to recommend it than the previous two volumes -- though not much more. There is certainly more upbeat energy in the techno-funk R&B tracks, and even dour listeners can have some fun with the Parliament/Funkadelic-inspired "Mothership Connection," where Duke revives his jive clowning of the '70s. We also hear more of Clarke and Duke as master instrumentalists; "Oh Oh" in particular has a mind-boggling Clarke solo on piccolo bass that reminds us that years of treadmill albums had not dulled his Promethean chops. But things start bogging down once they get into the Big Romantic Ballads (though "Right by My Side" has Gerald Alston wisely taking the lead vocals). And despite the formidable presences of Joe Henderson and Wayne Shorter, "Find Out Who You Are" doesn't take full advantage.

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